DATE OF BIRTH : 23rd April 1961
LANGUAGE : Scandinavian languages, English, some French
FAMILY STATUS : Married, three children
EDUCATION : Control Engineering The Norwegian Institute of Technology NTH University of Trondheim (1980 - 1985)


Supplementary Activities

1992 - : TORDIVEL A/S, president

Main activities:

Management of the company, marketing and sales.

1992-1995 :
Autronica A/S responsible for developing the graphical user interface for NK-100 MIP Calculator using Borland Pascal 7.0 and ObjectWindows 1.0. Participating in design of the transputer based embedded controller system doing dataaquisition from the engine.

1992 :
Miros AS : Maintenance of transputer software for MIRIS a personell tracking used on offshore installations.

1992 :
Alcatel Telecom Norway AS : Doing an evaluation of the MS Windows NT platform. Implementing a MS Windows demo of toplogy manager.

1993 :
Moland Automation AS developing MiTS Interface SW.

1993 :
Autronica A/S responsible for porting MiTS Protocol to MS-Windows. This was a project performed together with SINTEF Reguleringsteknikk.

1993-1995 :
Autronica AS : Participating in the MiTS Companion Standard workgroups.

1993-1995 :
Autronica A/S participating in the development of PD-100 Prof Diesel partly as responsible for the user interface. PD-100 is a engine condition monitoring system used together with NK-100. Responsible for developing a MiTS interface to Norcontrol Data Chief DC-2000. PD-100 is developed using Borland Pascal 7.0 for Window and ObjectWindows 1.0 and uses Paradox Engine as database frontend.

1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 : Kongsberg Simrad, working as advisor and system architect in the process of moving their Operator Station from UNIX to Windows NT. Design and implementation of an object-oriented kernel to build an Operator Station using Visual C++ and Microsoft Foundation Classes. Implementation and design of Access Control System.

1996 : Autronica A/S project manager for developing a MiTS Maintenance Data Server to link the Autronica products BS-100 Fire Alarm System and PD-100 Prof Diesel to Spectec's AMOS D system.

1997 : Miros AS : Responsible for development av a NT device driver for the new generation Wavex system based on WinRT. This task is performed as a cooperation between TORDIVEL AS and VITA.

1996, 1997, 1998, 1999  : Autronica AS: Responsible for maintenance and further development NK-100 MIP Calculator

1997 : Storm Elektro AS: Responsible for development, design, system integration and deployment of payment system for self service car wash machine, BIVA.The system involved payment by using a properitary magnetic card design for this application and taking the role as an Electronic Cash Register using Bank Axept.

1997 - 1998 : Bailey Norge AS: Responsible for development and design of MiTS Gateway to an @aGlance tagdatabase server. The system shall be deployed on the new MTB built for the Norwegian Navy by Kværner Mandal.

1988 - 1992 : MIROS A/S, employed

Along with the wave radar MIROS, the company had started development of a personnel tracking system MIRIS.

Main activities:

Software development responsible, doing management and development work on computer systems for personell tracking and data acquisition offshore.

Specification and project managment on sub-supplier of electronics.

1989 : Robit A/S. consultant

Main activities: Configuration of PC's for office use, teaching a concept for software implementation on PC's using Modula-2.

1988 : Hydrac A/S, employed

This company was formed based on the HYAC project, for marketing and continued development on the HYAC system.

Main activities:

Project manager, main responsibility was software developement in Modula-2 and analysis of acquired data from offshore installations.

Specification and project managment on sub-supplier of electronics.

1985 - 1987 : A/S Informasjonskontroll, employed

Software implementation on a project developing a hydro-acoustic crack detection and monitoring system (HYAC).

Main activities:

Hardware specification, development and implementation of software algorithms for signal processing.

1983 - 1985 : Adax Fabrikker A/S, consultant

Producing a total of 1000 hrs on project for control of energy consumption in houses.

Main activities:

Specification of software and implementation using Z80 assembly coding.

1981 - 1983 : A/S Informasjonskontroll, part time job

Working for three periods totalling 8 months, on project developing a radar (MIROS) for measurement of ocean surface waves and currents.

Main activities:

Programming in Pascal, assembly of electronic circuits.

Supplementary Activities

Software Development East in Washington DC 31. october - 3. november 2000, USA. The largest independant software developer conference in the USA. 

Tech-Ed 2000 in Amsterdam, 4-7. july 2000, Netherlands

The VISION SHOW in Boston, april 2000, USA  
A 4 day conference dedicated to VISION and VISION SYSTEMS.,

"How to build better Objects Models". 4 day workshop conducted by Peter Coad, Object International in Oslo.

Java Business Expo and Enterprise,  7.-10.   december 1999, New York.
Travel Report found here

Software Development 97, Washington DC. A week of lectures with focus on software development.
Travel report found here

Software Development 96, Washington DC. A week of lectures with focus on software development.
Main elements : MS Windows NT, Win32, Borland Delphi and Visual C++ and MFC.

Leading Design, 5 day programming course Chicago, Visual C++ and Microsoft Fondation Classes

Software Development 95, Washington DC. A week of lectures with focus on software development.
Main elements : MS Windows-95, NT and OLE 2.0.

Software Development 94, Washington DC. A week of lectures with focus on software development.
Main elements : MS Windows 3.1, 4.0 and NT,OLE 2.0, Use Case and Object Oriented Design.

Veritas Classification. Responsible and speaker on one day seminar on "MS Windows in Maritime Instrumetation systems"

Cap Computas AS in Trondheim. Responsible and speaker on half day seminar on "Presentation of OLE 2.0"

1994-1995 :
Leading the MiTS Companion Standard Workgroup.

1993 :
Nordic Transputer Conference Presentation of paper written by Øyvind Teig Autronica AS and Thor Vollset "Transputer and MS Windows - Case Study of a Development Process".

Client-Server Programming and Applications using TCP/IP. Interop '93 Fall, San Francisco, Califonia

Software Development 93, Santa Clara, California
A number of lectures on software development with focus on MS Windows.

Introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite at Interop '92 Fall, San Francisco
TCP/IP: Internals and Implementation at Interop '92 Fall, San Francisco

Object Expo 90 OOP Conference and Exhibition Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre

1990 :
"Presentation of transputer-network used in MIRIS personell tracking system" Speaker on conference Norwegian Society for Signal Processing, Oslo.

1988 :
One week course on Parallell Processing in London.

1987 :
Offshore safety training, Trondheim Maritime Høgskole

1987 :
"Presentation of HYAC, a Hydroacoustic system for crack detection on offshore oil platform" Norwegian Sociecty for Signal Processing, Horten.

1987 :
One week course on Digital Signal Processing, London Learning Tree International


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